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Octride Depot 30 mg Injection

MRP: 21800
Offer Price: ₹18530


Product Details:

SKU: PC-74425
Product Description: Octride Depot 30 mg Injection is manufactured by Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd
Packing: Vial
Condition: New
Sold by: Pulse Pharmacy


Octreotide acetate is generally used in treatment of acromegaly, bleeding esophageal varices and carcinoid tumours It is typically also used prevent complications following surgery of the pancreas.

Side Effects

How to use

Your doctor or nurse will give you this medicine. Kindly do not self administer.

How it works

Octreotide acetate is a similar to somatostatin, a substance normally found in the human body which inhibits the effects of certain hormones such as growth hormone. It also lowers the bleeding from the food pipe by constricting (narrowing) the blood vessels.


Q. Is Octreotide acetate a chemo drug?
Yes, Octreotide acetate is a chemo drug, used in patients with gastro-entero-pancreatic (GEP) endocrine tumors and pituitary tumors

Q. Is Octreotide acetate hormone/ protein?
No, Octreotide acetate is a peptide or a hormone analogue. It is a synthetic compound derived from somatostatin, a substance normally found in the human body

Q. Is Octreotide acetate safe?
Octreotide acetate is safe to use if so it is used at prescribed doses for the prescribed duration as per the advice of the doctor.

Q. Is Octreotide acetate a proton pump inhibitor/ vasopressor?
No, Octreotide acetate is neither a proton pump inhibitor nor a vasopressor

Q. Does Octreotide acetate cause hyperglycemia?
Yes, hyperglycemia is a common side effect of Octreotide acetate treatment

Q. Does Octreotide acetate cause hair loss and weight gain?
Yes, hair loss is a common side effect of Octreotide acetate treatment. Octreotide acetate may cause weight gain

Q. Does Octreotide acetate make you tired?
Yes, Octreotide acetate may make you feel tired.

Expert advice for Octride Depot 30 mg Injection

  • Seek medical attention if you experience disturbances in your line of vision.Your thyroid function and liver function will be monitored during octreotide therapy.Do not drive or operate machines while on octreotide treatment as it may cause blurred vision and headache.Inform your doctor if you are taking a medicine to control your blood pressure or if you are a patient with diabetes.If you are a woman of child bearing age, effective contraceptive method should be adopted during treatment with octreotide.Tell your doctor if you are or planning to become pregnant or are breastfeeding.
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