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Epsoval XR 300 Tablet

MRP: 68.21
Offer Price: ₹54.57



Product Details:

SKU: PC-906472
Product Description: Epsoval XR 300 Tablet is manufactured by Thalamus Pharmaceuticals
Packing: Strip
Condition: New
Sold by: Pulse Pharmacy


Sodium Valproate is generally used in treatment of mania, migraine and seizures

Side Effects

How to use

Consume this medicine in the dosage and duration as per your doctors advise. While taking Sodium Valproate, swallow it completely without crushing, breaking or chewing it. Sodium Valproate is to be taken with food.

How it works

Sodium Valproate is belongs to the category of an antiepileptic drug. It prevents seizures (and/or) fits by reducing the excessive & abnormal activity in the nerve cells of the brain.

Expert advice for Epsoval XR 300 Tablet

  • Sodium Valproate should be taken at the same time every day to maintain consistent levels in your body.Do not stop using Sodium Valproate without talking to your doctor, even if you feel better.Can cause upset stomach, hair loss, weight gain, sleepiness, and tremor.It causes sleepiness or drowsiness. If this happens to you, do not drive or use machinery.Avoid consuming alcohol when taking the Sodium Valproate, as it may cause excessive sleepiness or drowsiness.Inform your doctor if you have ever been diagnosed with kidney or liver problems.Inform your doctor if you are pregnant or planning to conceive or breastfeeding.
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