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Enlube Fusion Eye Drops 10 ml

MRP: 185
Offer Price: ₹157.25


Product Details:

SKU: PC-71550
Product Description: Enlube Fusion Eye Drops 10 ml is manufactured by Entod Pharmaceuticals Ltd
Packing: Bottle
Condition: New
Sold by: Pulse Pharmacy


Carboxymethylcellulose is generally used in treatment of the treatment of dry eyes. It is used as a lubricant to relive irritation and discomfort due to dryness of the eyes or due to exposure of the eyes to wind or sun.

Side Effects

How to use

Carboxymethylcellulose is meant for external use only.Consume this medicine in the dosage and duration as per your doctors advise. For directions before use, please check the label. Hold the dropper close to the eye/ear without touching it. Gently squeeze the dropper and place the medicine inside the lower eyelid or ear. Wipe off extra liquid.

How it works

Carboxymethylcellulose is a lubricant that's similar to natural tears. On applying, it offers temporary relief from burning and irritation caused due to dryness around the eye.


Q. What is Carboxymethylcellulose?
Carboxymethylcellulose belongs to a class of medicines called eye lubricants or artificial tears. It is used in the treatment of dry eye symptoms such as soreness, burning, irritation and discomfort.

Q. Is Carboxymethylcellulose safe?
Yes. Carboxymethylcellulose is safe when used at prescribed doses for the prescribed duration as advised by your doctor.

Expert advice for Enlube Fusion Eye Drops 10 ml

  • Your doctor has prescribed Carboxymethylcellulose to treat dry eye disease.It stabilizes the natural tear film and maintains necessary lubrication so your eyes don’t get dry and irritated.May require long-term use.Apply pressure on the corner of the eye (close to the nose) for about 1 minute immediately after instilling the drop.Wait for at least 5-10 minutes before delivering the next medication in the same eye to avoid dilution.Stinging sensation may occur for 1-2 mins. Notify your doctor if it persists for longer.Make sure to use within 4 weeks of opening the bottle.
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