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Ebast DC Tablet

MRP: 122
Offer Price: ₹97.6



Product Details:

SKU: PC-25077
Product Description: Ebast DC Tablet is manufactured by Micro Labs Ltd
Packing: Strip
Condition: New
Sold by: Pulse Pharmacy


Ebastine is generally used in treatment of the treatment of allergy symptoms.
Phenylephrine is generally used in treatment of common cold symptoms.

Side Effects

How to use

Consume this medicine in the dosage and duration as per your doctors advise. While taking Ebastine, swallow it completely without crushing, breaking or chewing it. Ebastine is advised to be taken at a fixed time, but may be taken together with food (or) without food.
Consume this medicine in the dosage and duration as per your doctors advise. For directions before use, please check the label. Measure it with a measuring cup and take it by mouth. Shake well before use. Phenylephrine is advised to be taken at a fixed time, but may be taken together with food (or) without food.Take it with food if stomach upset occurs.

How it works

Ebastine is belongs to the category of an antihistaminic drug. It makes the condition better by treating the allergy symptoms such as such as swelling, itching, and rashes by blocking the chemical messenger (histamine) & its effects in the body.
Phenylephrine is a decongestant that improves the condition by shrinking the blood vessels to provide quick and temporary relief from inflammation (swelling and redness) and discomfort.


Q. Is Ebastine a steroid?
No, it is antihistaminic drug and not steroid

Q. What does Ebastine treat?
Ebastine is used to treat allergic conditions.

Q. Is Ebastine safe?
Ebastine is safe if used at prescribed dose and duration as advised by your doctor

Q. What is Ebastine betamethasone/Ebastine/Ebastine teva?
These are the trade names of product containing the drug Ebastine. Ebastine betamethasone is a combination product of Ebastine and betamethasone

Q. Is Phenylephrine an antibiotic/a stimulant/an NSAID/ does Phenylephrine work/ does Phenylephrine makes your nose run/ does Phenylephrine has aspirin in it?
Phenylephrine is not an antibiotic, stimulant, NSAID, but a decongestant and is used to relieve blocked nose. Phenylephrine works for most of the patients if taken as recommended. It does not have aspirin in it

Q. Can i take Phenylephrine with ibuprofen/pseudoephedrine/citalopram/Nyquil/ acetaminophen/ dextromethorphan/ Zyrtec/ Flonase/ Advil?
Drug interaction with any of the above mentioned drugs is not documented, but it can occur. Always follow your doctor’s advice before taking any medicine with Phenylephrine

Q. Can i take Phenylephrine with high blood pressure?
Do not take Phenylephrine with high blood pressure

Q. Is Phenylephrine the same as Sudafed?
No, Phenylephrine is not same as Sudafed which contains pseudoephedrine.

Expert advice for Ebast DC Tablet

  • Your doctor has prescribed Ebastine to help relieve allergy symptoms such as itching, swelling, and rashes.It's much less likely to make you feel sleepy than other similar medications.Use caution while driving or doing anything that requires concentration as it can cause dizziness and sleepiness.Do not drink alcohol while taking this medication as it may cause increased sleepiness.Stop taking Ebastine at least three days before taking an allergy test as it can affect the test results.
  • Oral Phenylephrine should be taken with foodPhenylephrine can make you restless, so don't take it too close to bedtimeDo not use this medicine without doctor's advice if you are pregnant or breast feedingSmoking may worsen the effect; therefore use of tobacco should be avoided.
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